POST 3: My Dream Job

Hello! I forgot the "publish" button, so this blog was left in "draft" mode. Still I will leave it in its original version:

In this post I'll talk about my actual job, although I'm not sure it exists. I would like to be able to compose, but at the same time investigate, following the example of Gabriela Pizarro or Violeta Parra.

I imagine it with the possibility of traveling, getting to know and getting to know different musical styles, musical environments and musical subjects. To do this, I would currently need a PhD or a master's degree, but the possibility of knowing, understanding and talking to people seems more important to me. The salary worries me very little in this case, although it depends a lot on the projects in which one participates, it is not something that I consider relevant.

The music theory degree, thanks to its investigative approach, allows me to get closer to and learn about the world of research and composition. Still, I will need a postgraduate degree, which really exists, in composition. Thanks to that, it would have enough content, both intellectual and methodological, to be able to carry out this type of research.


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